3 who shot dead Mpumalanga traffic cop caught within hours at Lesotho border


Two men and a woman who shot dead an on-duty Standerton traffic officer on Friday afternoon were arrested by 10pm on the same Friday as theytried to cross the Lesotho border.

The traffic officer (37) died instantly after being shot three timeswhile he was trying to issue fines for violation of traffic laws ataround 3pm on Friday.

Free State police spokeswoman Lieutenant-Colonel Thandi Mbambo saidimmediately after the incident they were tipped off to be on thelookout for a black Jeep Compass with three occupants.

A car fitting the description with Lesotho number plates was stoppedand searched in Maseru border post at around 9.30pm.

“During the search we found a R.A.P 401 firearm, ammunition and atraffic fine book,” Mbambo told 013NEWS on Sunday.

“They were arrested and charged with the possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition as well as theft of state property,” she said.

Mbambo added that the three will first appear in Free State’s LadybrandMagistrates Court on Monday before being transported to Mpumalanga’sStanderton Magistrates Court, where the additional murder charge willbe added.

(edited by MM)