Cuban engineers to fix RDP houses, transfer skills

RDP houses

A team of Cuban engineers will team up with the Mpumalanga governmentin order to fix and build quality RDP houses, the SABC reported onFriday.

The Cuban team met with government officials in Mbombela on Friday andagreed that they would provide quality control, mentoring, projectmanagement and skills transfer to South Africans, the publicbroadcaster reported.

“We recruited them because of their quality skills which they have inCuba since we lack skills in South Africa,” Mpumalanga HumanSettlement MEC Violet Siwela told the broadcaster.

“They demonstrated quality assurance during their time here and they’retransferring skills to our engineers,” she said.

RDP beneficiary Thandiwe Shabangu, told the broadcaster that her RDPhome has cracks and she wished the government could come and fix itafter she tried, unsuccessfully, to fix it on her own.

Cuba’s Lois Cantera, who coordinates the Mpumalanga project, said: “Ourengineers and architects have a lot of experience working with thecommunity and people because that’s the way we do it in Cuba”.

The project of fixing and building quality RDP houses across theprovince is expected to start soon.

(edited by MM)