A 68-year-old woman who was robbed of money at knife point by youthswhile she was going to toilet, during the night, will have a brand newhouse before August ends.
Local police said Gogo Mdluli lived in a mud house and they have builther a four-room home with the Community Police Forum of Thandukukhanya, in Mkhondo. The house will be handed over to herafter the approval of Mpumalanga provincial police bossLieutenant-General Mondli Zuma by August 30th.
“We are only left with putting the ceiling boards, tiles and toiletseats,” Mkhondo police station commander, Colonel Thango, told 013NEWS on Tuesday.
Thango said they revisited old cases and wanted to assist thevictims, some by fixing windows and putting up fences.
“Gogo Mdluli’s case is a 2013 case. When we went through the recordsthis year we discovered that she lived in a muddy house and had anoutside toilet. She was exposed to crime when she went to the toiletone night and some people took her money and that’s how we featuredher in our program with the CPF and built the house with our ownhands,” said Thango.
“The SAPS and CPF are always there in times of need to help thecommunities of South Africa against any form of injustice, hence wevisiting older cases to see how we can assist the victims”, Thandoadded.
(edited by ZK)