‘Only SACP can change lives of poor’

IN IT: Gert Sibande YCL leader Ayanda Mashaba says the only solution to current problems is for the SACP to leave the ANC and contest power in 2019 general elections. PICTURE BY MfisoDIGITAL

The South African Communist Party is the only movement in South Africa that can change the lives of the poor.

That’s according to Ayanda Mashaba of the Young Communist League in the Gert Sibande region of Mpumalanga.

Mashaba was speaking during the SACP’s community meeting at the Ermelo community hall on Saturday afternoon under the theme ‘When Corruption Becomes A Culture What Should Be Done’ and told community members in attendance that the SACP was the only political party in South Africa that could change their lives as the ANC has failed to do so.

“The hopes of people in this country are in the SACP,” he said.

“And the time to take a front seat as leaders has arrived,” Mashaba said.

He said this time was now and for them to contest the general elections in 2019 because the community didn’t take them “serious” when they fought corruption within the ANC alliance.

He said nothing changed when they fought against corruption and instead corruption was used to “divide” them as leaders of the alliance partners of the ANC.

“It’s painful that when we talk about corruption others feel offended as if we are attacking them which is an indication to us that they don’t want corruption to be exposed,” said Mashaba.

Mashaba is the secretary of the YCL in the Gert Sibande region of Mpumalanga.

He added: “When our leaders fought corruption they were victimised in the province and therefore as YCL we reaffirm our position the only solution is for the SACP to contest state power in 2019 and that’s the only way SACP an deal with the problems of the poor”.

(edited by ZK)

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