Gert Sibande ANC congratulates Ndumiso Mokako

IT'S HIM: Ndumiso Mokako forms part of the seven candidates who were shortlisted and recommended to the board. PICTURE BY MfisoDIGITAL/ZK.

Ndumiso Mokako who hails from the Gert Sibande region of Mpumalanga is one of the seven names approved and now awaits appointment by President Jacob Zuma to the NYDA board.

The ANC in the Gert Sibande region has congratulated Ndumiso Mokako for being one of the seven candidates recommended to serve on the board of the National Youth Development Agency.

Mokako, Itiseng Morolong,Yershen Pillay, Sifiso Mtsweni, Zandile Majozi, Gloria Hlongwa and Khomotjo Maimela were recommended earlier in January 2017 after public interviews we concluded by the ad-hoc committee of parliament.

Regional secretary Audrey Maleka says Mokako, who is currently a member of the ANCYL national executive committee, is from Carolina township’s ward 22 in the Chief Albert Luthuli sub-region, east of Ermelo, and served as league regional executive committee member.

“The region has moulded and has a cream of leaders hence as the ANC we call upon unity amongst members, alliance and supporters,” Maleka said in a statement released this week.

“And this unity must not be just unity but unity in action,” he said.

“We call on all our members, alliance partners and supporters to support one another in order for us to be able to grow and move our region forward,” he added.

(edited by ZK)

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