The 44-year-old Martha Swart was awarded R450 000 after she lodged a claim in the Tshwane High Court against the Mpumalanga MEC for public works, roads and transport after she hit a pothole.
Swart was injured on 27 September 2012 when her car hit the pothole on one of the province’s tarred roads.
The court on Monday ordered Sasekani Manzini to transfer R450 000 to Swart’s lawyers and if Manzini fails to do it in 60 days there will be interests charged.
SEE ALSO: Man takes Thaba Chweu municipality to court over potholes
She was driving a Tata Indica to Mkhondo and was near Dirkiesdorp when she hit what she says were “several potholes” and wasn’t able to “avoid all the potholes” – the Tata hit “another, a second pothole” and she lost control of the vehicle and overturned.
The car was a write-off and Swart sustained soft tissue injuries to her neck, back, right shoulder and forehead – and hasn’t been able to work since then.
(edited by MLM)
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