Party spokesman Sabelo Sikhakhane says they haven’t established whether the attempt on his life was politically motivated, related to family or anything but says it’s wrong for anyone to want to kill anybody “regardless whether that person is right or wrong”.
The ANC in the Gert Sibande has condemned the attempt to kill Mkhondo local municipality mayor Vusi Motha.
Motha is also the regional deputy chairman of the ANC in the Gert Sibande region.
The African Times reported that Motha escaped uninjured when unknown people fired bullets at his car on the Sunday night of 14 May 2017.
He was on his way home in Mkhondo.
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Provincial police spokesman Brigadier Leonard Hlathi confirmed the incident, appealing to anybody with information to come forward and assist the cops trace the perpetrators.
“As the ANC we condemn the incident in the strongest possible term,” regional spokesman Sabelo Sikhakhane said.
“The attempt to kill anybody is wrong, regardless whether that person [being targeted] is right or wrong,” he said.
The police in Mkhondo are investigating a case of attempted murder.
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The African Times reported that a picture posted on a WhatsApp group showed Motha’s car riddled with bullet holes on the passenger side.
Motha expects delegates to elect him to retain his post as the deputy chairman of the ANC in the Gert Sibande region when a regional congress is convened in no time.
Both chairman Muzi Chirwa and secretary Audrey Maleka have been endorsed by all branches to retain their respective seats.
(edited by MLM)
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