eMalahleni taxi fares go up

eMalahleni taxi fares go up
UP UP and UP: Taxi passengers pass their fares to the driver. PICTURE BY Reuters/Mike Hutchings.

It will now cost R1 more to catch a taxi from town to the township.

The Local Taxi Association or LOTA in eMalahleni has announced taxi fares went up by R1 as of 1 June 2017.

They say this is due to the taxi industry business not doing well, causing owners to charge an extra R1.

It will now cost:

– R9.00 to travel from one Kasi to another,

– R11.00 from town to township,

– R13.00 from town to Ezinambeni,

– R12.00 from town to Tasbet Park,

– R14.00 from town to Clewer,

– R13.00 from town to Highveld Mall,

– R12.00 from town to Klipfontein and Game,

– R9.00 from town to Klarinet.

This comes after the South African National Taxi Council marched to the Toyota plant in Durban to demand that the company decreases the price they sell their Quantum, saying now the minibus costs R1m to own, making business difficult.

They complained that when the Quantum was introduced in 2007, it was at a fully imported price of R220 000 but now, locally produced, it costs R450 000 before interest charges.

Once the deposit, interest rate, instalments, premiums and insurance are added a new Toyota Quantum costs more than R1m.

They took their anger to the Toyota plant in Prospecton, Isipingo on Wednesday morning (31 May), demanding that the minibus should now cost R350 000 and told the company that if they don’t respond to their demand in seven days they will close all roads.

(edited by ZK)

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