No reason given for resignation of Ermelo mayor

No reason given for resignation of Ermelo mayor
NO LONGER MAYOR: Resigned Er me lo mayor Bishop Solomon Nkosi. PICTURE BY MfisoDIGITAL/ZK.

The mayor of the local municipality had only been in office for a year and two months.

Msukaligwa mayor Bishop Solomon Nkosi has resigned… but has not given any reason why he did so.

On Thursday evening this week, Nkosi asked the 013NEWS to phone the ANC for it to communicate why he had left office.

Raising his voice over the phone, the ex-mayor said: ” Please follow the procedure. The procedure is that you speak to the ANC, I was deployed by the ANC”!

He tendered his resignation letter a week ago.

He became a mayor after the 3 August 2016 local government elections.

This week Joseph Mkhaliphi was sworn in as the mayor of the municiplaity.

Msukaligwa municipal spokesman Mandla Zwane said no reason was given when Nkosi resigned last week.

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He said they were left “blank” before asking the reporter to phone and ask him.

ANC spokesman in the Gert Sibande region, Sabelo Sikhakhane, said Nkosi had a personal reason.

“I know there might be things that people are saying with regard to his resignation but he resigned for personal reasons,” he said.

He said the ANC is thankful of the work their Bishop comrade did for the municipality and said they are confident Mkhaliphi is bringing a lot of experience to the municipality.

“Comrade BJ brings to the municipality a vast experience and the diligence he has displayed during his tenure as a member of Parliament. We also want to take this opportunity to thank comrade SM for the work done and contributions made as the mayor,” Sikhakhane said.

(edited by ZK)

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