They have been tasked to go look at Section 25 of the Constitution and make it possible for land to be expropriated without compensation.
The Constitutional Review Committee will go on a public participation process in order to review Section 25 of the Constitution.
Chairmen of the committee, Lewis Nzimande and Vincent Smith, said the process will enable the committee to do its work easier by “getting the views of all stakeholders”.
“The process will be kick-started next month when the committee will publish advertisements for oral and written submissions from the public,” the committee chairs said in a statement.
“The public will have a month to respond after which the committee will visit three to four districts or local municipality per province for public hearings,” they said.
“The committee plans to split into two groups for the public hearings in order to cover a larger part of the country. The public hearings are proposed to commence on 8 May 2018 in Limpopo and the Northern Cape and is expected to be concluded on 22 June 2018 in the Western Cape,” Nzimande and Smith said.
Thecommittee will investigate what mechanisms South Africans would like to see for the implementation of land reform.
It has been given until 30 August 2018 to report to back to Parliament on its work.
(edited by ZK)
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