Gert Sibande ANCYL contester in bitter NUM election dispute

Gert Sibande ANCYL contester in bitter NUM election dispute
DISPUTANT: NUM branch secretary hopeful, Mcebo Zwane. PICTURE Supplied.

He contested but then lost and is now taking the matter further , disputing the election.

Gert Sibande ANCYL secretary hopeful Mcebo Zwane is disputing the election that didn’t put him in power during a mine’s union election.

Zwane is employed at the Nkomati Mine – a nickel mine between Badplaas and Machadodorp in Mpumalanga that is partly owned by Sundowns football club president Patrice Motsepe.

Zwane contested on 5 February 2018 to be the branch secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) but lost to Wilson Kekane and is now disputing the elections.

Sources say Zwane was defeated with three votes when the results were announced on that week.

His supporters are calling for a re-run, saying there is no way Kekane can defeat Zwane.

ALSO RELATED: Gracious Shabangu faction wants Mcebo Zwane as ANCYL regional secretary

Now NUM has sent a regional task team to investigate the issue.

Regional task team member Thabiso Mokgotho said they don’t discuss the issue with the media.

“We only report to the regional executive committee,” he said over the phone.

(edited by ZK)

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