Mtsweni concerned about failing waste water infrastructure


Some of these problems have resulted im raw sewage spilling into national rivers.

Premier Refilwe Mtsweni has used her budget speech to express concerns for Mpumalanga’s collapsing waste water infrastructure.

She said the services offered by some municipalities in the province are not pleasing at all and this has also been made worse by the falling waste water infrastructure.

She told the legislature that they have now discussed the issue with the private sector and Sasol has promised to assist.

SEE ALSO: Parliament slams Gert Sibande district municipality’s falling waste water infrastructure

“We are engaging our social partners in the private sector to come into this space and assist these municipalities,” Mtsweni said on Tuesday.

“Soon I will be meeting with other private sector partners with a view of requesting them to assist with maintenance of some of our facilities”.

In February 2018, Parliament’s sanitation committee expressed concerns after visiting Mpumalanga over Gert Sibande district municipality’s failure to address the collapsing waste water infrastructure in the district and which leads downstream contamination of the Vaal river.

Mtsweni also expressed concerns for the increase in the number of young girls who are getting infected with HIV daily.

She said a plan that will help achieve the goals of the national strategic plan for HIV, STIs and TB will be adopted by the provincial government in June 2018.

“We must consolidate our gains and focus on what needs to be done within the remaining period of our MTSF and avoid starting new projects that will not be completed during this period.

“We must abandon self-serving tendencies that are consistent with accumulation at the expense of our people,” she said.

(edited by ZK)

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