YCCISA assists Mhluzi woman start own Galitos restaurant


The first one was opened in Lydenburg and another one in Nhlazatshe.

The Youth Chamber of Commerce & Industries South Africa in collaboration with the Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency and the National Youth Development Agency are on a mission to assist young entrepreneurs start their own Galitos restaurants.

The YCCISA and other stakeholders will be in Middelburg this coming Friday (10 Aug) for the opening of a new Galitos restaurant belonging to a female beneficiary that YCCISA assisted.

The restaurant that will be launched on Friday is the third as the other two were opened a few months ago.

“The first restaurant was launched in Lydenburg, while the second one was launched in Nhlazatshe,” YCCISA President Victor Mashego said.

“So we decided to launch this one on a Women’s Month because here the beneficiary is a woman,” said Mashego.

He said they plan to open eight more restaurants “of this nature”.

It costs them R500 000 to open each restaurant, Mashego said.

The project will create more than 77 sustainable jobs.

Each restaurant will have 7 employees, while other job opportunities will be created through the project’s value chain.

Mashego thanked the Galitos company for agreeing to partner with them to make the projects a success as well as economic development MEC Eric Kholwane and MEGA chief executive officer Xola Sithole who assisted so much.

“The new owners will undergo training and mentorship from relevant professionals. I am also happy that the University of Mpumalanga is willing to work with us on other issues as far as this project is concern,” he said.

YCCISA have negotiated for the entire value chain, egg-layers, incubators,1 day chicken breeding and abattoir.

“This is our rural and township economy revitalisation strategy,” he said, adding 60% of the 11 beneficiaries are young women.

(With N&S Media)

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