Bigmac Dippers by Amanda Masuku


Big Mac Dippers


2large burger patties
1 spring onion
4 Finely chopped mushrooms
1 tsp of minced
1 tsp of worstersauce
1/2 cup of grated white cheddar
6slices of stale white bread
6slices of brown bread
2tbl spoons of flour
3tbl spoons of water
3tbl spoons of cocunut oil.


using a fork break the patties loosely, season with season salt, black pepper,paprika,bbq spice,a dash of worstersauce. add chopped spring onion n mushroom and mix. form small meat balls using a tsp measure to make patties.

cut of crusts from the bread; using a roller, flatten the slices n cut out circle shapes. place flour in a small bowl n add water to form a paste.
cook your patties, take 2 slice of circle, using your finger dip into the flour paste n spread mixture on the edges of the circles place a party on on slice, top with cheese n close the circle gently with your finger tips to close the dippers. Fry dippers on hot oil for 5-10sec watching it barely as it browns.
dip: mix mayo, cream, sweet chill sauce together garnish with fresh parsley & spring onion.