Study finds South African majority believe in herbal fight against Covid-19

Study finds South African majority believe in herbal fight against Covid-19
TRUSTFUL: A recent study conducted during the lockdown has found that public trust in President Cyril Ramaphosa has declined during the Covid-19 pandemic. PICTURE BY Daily Maverick

The research interviewed 8 324 people across South Africa from April to July 2020.

A study conducted by South African market research firm Ask Afrika found that a majority of South Africans believe herbal medicine is the way to go in the battle against the Covid-19 virus.

The report was released on 9 August 2020 and found that though many South Africans preferred Western doctors for diagnosis but a majority of this believed herbal medicines were good both as preventive and treatment measures against the flu.

It found 58% of participants believed herbal medicine can treat the SARS-COV-2 disease.

The study was conducted between April and July 2020.

“Although Western medicine is preferred, one in two respondents believe that natural medicine can treat Covid-19, while a third believe ritual healing can do the same,” it says.

It also found that public trust in President Cyril Ramaphosa decreased during the lockdown period.

While the country is still moving through the lockdown and there is no indication when it will move to level 2, one in two still show high levels of trust in the President.

Ramaphosa rates 67%, health minister Zweli Mkhize 57%, police minister Bheki Cele 53% and co-operative governance minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma within 40%.

Trade and industry minister Ibrahim Patel and and basic education’s Angie Motshekga both fall somewhere in the 40s.

The President is mostly perceived to be authentic, transparent and logical in his dealings with the public. This drives higher levels of trust in the President during this time compared to other ministers.

“The belief that the citizenry does not receive sufficient support from the government during the lockdown has been significantly more prevalent amongst females. Residents of the Western Cape and Gauteng also especially hold this sentiment, compared to those living in the North West, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and KZN,” the survey found.

The public also felt government should fight corruption and be seen as playing more of a role in reducing poverty.

(edited by ZK)

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