The Communist Party of Swaziland or just CPS is angered a great deal.
First SADC leaders allowed King Mswati to be the chairman of its summit and the West pretends as if they support those who fight for freedom against Mswati when in fact they are with him.
The CPS’s national organising secretary Njabulo Dlamini was one of the seven international leaders who were on the program to deliver a message of solidarity at the provincial congress of the SACP in Mbombela.
The SACP is held its 9th elective congress from Friday until Sunday and current provincial secretary Bonakele Majuba was re-elected for a fourth term.
Dlamini told the congress: “The situation in the world now is such that the international solidarity is needed more than ever, as imperialism continues to dictate the course of international events and the possibilities for progressive change in individual countries.
“This is particularly the case in Swaziland, where the Mswati dictatorship is kept in power by imperial interests, even though those interests pay lip service to the need for democratic change.”
Dlamini asked the congress “strongly” to consider ways that would assist them in the struggle against the Kingdom of Mswati and “keep it visible in the overall struggle against imperialism and for socialism”.
“The struggle for freedom in our country is undergoing a particularly difficult stage as the countries of the SADC region are essentially giving Mswati the go-ahead to continue with his rule by awarding him with the chairmanship of the SADC summit and failing to challenge on the barbaric conditions his regime imposes on our people,” Dlamini said.
(edited by MLM)
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