Muzi Chirwa’s ‘service delivery charter’

The iconic Gert Sibande District Municipality Headquarters. IMAGE Supplied


The mayor of the Mpumalanga district of Gert Sibande has signed what they call a ‘service delivery charter’.

Gert Sibande district municipal mayor Muzi Chirwa launched and signed the charter which is about getting all officials to commit themselves and strive for excellence when delivering service to the people.

In it, the district municipality commits to,

– Answer all written correspondence from community members in 7 days.

– Observe working hours from Monday to Friday.

– Consult with community members and stakeholders regularly and allow them to participate and have a view on government programs and for officials to answer phones

The charter was developed a year ago and was launched and signed a week ago after the co-ordinators hired to develop it finished work.

(edited by MLM)

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