ANCYL tells Nzimande 0% fee increase now – OPEN LETTER

League secretary Njabulo Nzuza asks Nzimande to stop spending time with Vice-Chancellors. PICTURE BY

This is an open letter to SACP General Secretary and Minister of Higher Education Blade Nzimande written by ANCYL Secretary-General Njabulo Nzuzo.

Revolutionary Greetings

I hope this letter finds you well,

I have taken a decision to write you this open letter, because I can see that all the private discussions we have had around free education for the poor and 0% fee are not bearing fruits. The situation is dire, institutions are burning with terror and violence is used against students on campuses. Some campuses are being shut down.

I have no interest in writing you a long letter but to request you to address the following as a matter of urgency;

•Urgently implement the decision of 0% fee increment as resolution of the last NEC meeting of the ANC. Any form of increment against poor students and “the missing middle” is not acceptable and should not be considered or talked about.

•Reduce your meetings with Vice Chancellors because, instead of transforming the system they will transform you to accept the system they have built which is abusive to students. You must spend more time with students who are the endusers of higher education.

•Please refrain and avoid sending messages of doubt about the policy of the ANC on free quality education for the poor. The implementation of free quality education for the poor is not an issue that is up for discussion but for implementation with speed.

READ: TIT FOR TAT: YCLSA rips into Zuma over Fess Must Fall

I hope you will come to the realization that the issues raised are critical. I really do not expect a letter explaining the process but one would expect that the issues raised will be resolved speedily. We can no longer accept tortoise velocity in dealing with these issues.

Comradely Yours